Mayhem Roofing

Your Local Roofers And Roofing Contractors In South Carolina

We have over 30 years of experience in the contracting industry and specialize in roofing. Reputable, trustworthy, and strong work ethic, we hire only the best in the roofing industry. Our reputable team consists of project managers and site inspectors. Our roofing crews consist of veterans, skilled workers, that take pride in the work they do and leads to you being a satisfied customer. We are licensed, bonded, and insured throughout South Carolina.

Mayhem Roofing
Columbia (main) Office:
1736 Westminster Dr
Columbia, SC 29204
In Greenville Call:
In Myrtle Beach Call:

From start to finish we will work with you every step of the way. At no charge to you, our roofing claim service specialists will evaluate damage and assist you with filing your claim with your homeowners' insurance company. Our knowledgeable staff will stand by each homeowner until the last shingle is installed and the last payment is made. Use our local roofers in Columbia, Irmo, Chapin, Lexington, Cayce, West Columbia, Blythewood, and Sumter South Carolina, for your next roofing job.

    How Can We Help You?Roof InspectionRoof RepairNew Roof

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